Having a house is one of our wishlist. Currently we are looking for a suitable house to buy, although it's hard to find one. I hope we can find it soon :)
I have a bunch of things I want to do when we have a house.
1. Have a Pet
I always wanted to have a pet. I love taking care of a pet. Unfortunately there are no room for pets in our tiny rented house, so I can only have a virtual one.
I'd like to have some cute cats. I really love cats. I have one candidate from here. :D
Maybe I will have some fish in an aquarium too.
2. Take a Shower
I used to take a shower in my parents' house. The shower is broken now. I'd like to have one installed in our future house. I hope my husband will :)
Taking a shower waste less water. For an energy conservative like me, using less is what I prefer to do.
3. Playing In The Rain
When the sky got darker, that's when rain usually came. Play in the rain is one of my favorite activity. But I am shy to do it. The ones who play in the rain are children.
Thats why, when I caught rain, I feel so happy. I can feel raindrops dripping on my body through clothes. It's cold but soothing.
Read Mbak Diah's:
"But, why should you wait until you have a house if you want to play in the rain?"
I should, and the fence should be tall enough and installed with fibers so nobody will see me play in the rain. That's the point. Of course it won't do if all area is covered with roof :D
4. Relaxing With My Husband on Balcony
Starry night and a cup of hot chocolate is a good combination to have after a hectic day.
Sitting on the balcony, we talked about many trivial things, laughing together and falling in love again and again. The aroma of chocolate soothe our mind, letting us to sleep soundly.
What about you? Are you looking forward to have your own house soon? Do you have a to-do list like me? What would you like to do when you have it? Please share with me!
Thank you for reading ^^
I also willing to own a house too mbak. a place I can home.
BalasHapusMy to-do list could be: having a place to exercise, spacious place for parking the vehicles as my sons have some bicycles, a place to plant trees, a swimming pool, a golf, no. the last two are just for kidding.
I hope your dreams soon coming true and so is mine. aaamiiin.
Have a swimming pool...yes! I want one too. And a gym to maintain our health :D
nggak bisa balas pakek english tapi ngerti kok isinya hihi, samaan mba , wish list utama saya juga punya rumah sekarang lagi nyari-nyari tanah. Poin no 4 itu juga impian saya dan suami, jadi kalau malam lagi terang bulan dan banyak bintang bisa leyeh-leyeh ngelihatin langit romantis like korean movie ahahak.
BalasHapusIya, suasana nya romantis banget, apalagi kalau anak2 udah pada tidur. Pacaran dulu deh, sebelum tidur :D
HapusI'd love to have a small-warm house. Yg paling penting penghuninya kerasan, dan betah dirumah..
BalasHapusIya. Rumah yg bikin penghuninya betah tuh idaman banget. Gak perlu yg terlalu besar, yg penting nyaman utk keluarga.